I’m not your Yoga teacher if…

🕉 You get irritated by Sanskrit words and/or yoga myths.

Languages were my first love (I’m a translator in my “other life”.)
I’ll always be a linguist at heart and I love using Sanskrit in my teaching. I will always give you an English translation too, so you can wow your friends at the next party!

🕉 You are not a fan of Surya Namaskara - aka Sun Salutations.

I nearly always start a practice (with the obvious exception of yin) with a few of these, throwing in variations.

Sun Salutations a great warm-up for the body, and they really get you to find your focus and synch breath and movement.

🕉 You are not in the least interested in anatomy and the physical benefits of a consistent practice.

I’m an anatomy geek and I can get a little nerdy at times. I do believe it’s important we get to understand how this marvellous work of engineering that is our body actually works, so that we can support it rather than hinder it. I am known to go on and on about glutes engagement!

🕉 You ‘just want a work-out / good stretch.’

Yes, my dynamic classes are physically demanding and challenging BUT yoga is first and foremost a work-in.

I always weave in little snippets of yoga history and philosophy - it’s what really made me fall in love with the practice.

You can tune out of course, but you would miss such a crucial part of what yoga is really about.

🕉 You want a super duper serious yoga class. Or a quiet one.

I am quite chatty!

I often come out with questionable jokes, yoga-related or not.

I am playful by nature, and I strongly believe yoga should bring pleasure and joy in our lives.

🕉 You think yoga teachers are perfect and infallible beings.

I laugh at myself a lot.

I sometimes overshare.

I can’t handstand away from a wall!

I have no issue whatsoever with questioning ‘received’ yoga wisdom.
And I encourage my students to do the same.

Question the teachers. Question the books. Question what you used to believe. Keep growing 🙏🏻


Hello. This is Me.