Hello. This is Me.

Well, here’s a few facts about me:

🌙 I was born in Italy but I’ve lived in London since early 1999. A different century!

🌙 My first love has always been languages. I have been working as an Audiovisual Translator for over 20 years now. I mostly translate subtitles for TV and cinema - I probably have translated something you watched!

🌙 I have started practicing yoga 10 years ago and have been teaching since 2019.

🌙 I came to yoga quite late.
I have no gymnastics or ballet background. In fact, I was quite a chubby child with little interest in being active. Books, Greek Mythology, and chocolates, those I liked!

🌙 I have struggled with eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and OCD since my teens.
A few years ago, thru a meeting with an awesome therapist, I realised I have Asperger Syndrome - now commonly known as Autism Spectrum Disorder. My brain works in rather special and mysterious ways. Sometimes it’s a burden, sometimes it’s amazing. But it’s never boring.

🌙 I am absolutely rubbish at meditation.
When I first started practicing yoga, I used to be terrible at Savasana. I couldn’t stay still for more than 30 seconds. I also felt incredibly vulnerable lying down on the mat, with my eyes closed, as the thoughts spiralling around my hyperactive brain were free to launch themselves at me from all directions.
I got better at it, with practice.
But stillness and silence are still challenging.

This is probably long enough now.

Be safe. Be happy. Be kind.
Be true.


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